

45RPM Premiere Screening

LRFF 2013


We are thrilled to be an official selection at the 2013 Little Rock Film Festival!  To have the chance to premiere in the same town that is home to much of our cast & crew is really exciting and we hope to see you there!

There are TWO chances to catch it at the LRFF:

Thursday May 16th, 5:30pm – Arkansas Repertory Theater
Friday May 17th, 3:15pm –  The Dundee Building

Join us on our facebook event page for more info and updates.

To ensure a seat, consider buying a festival pass that gets you into multiple film screenings. There is a lot to see!

Individual tickets will be available at the door for $10. Please be aware that festival pass holders are seated first.

Record Store Day 2013


Happy Record Store Day! Head to your favorite participating indie record shop and pick up special releases & enjoy sales that are happening today only.

Our favorite in the Little Rock area is Arkansas Record & CD Exchange which doubled as Louie’s Vinyl in 45RPM. You can see production stills from that day here.

Get out & support local record shops!

Ozark Foothills FilmFest presents “The Female Face of Indie Film”

In its 12th year, The Ozark Foothils FilmFest will be hosting a filmmakers panel discussion, “The Female Face of Indie Film” that includes 45RPM’s writer/director Juli Jackson along with other female directors: Sarah Ledbetter, Kate Siegenthaler, Martha Stephens, and Kris Swanberg.
The panel will be moderated by  local filmmaker, Sarah Moore Chyrchel and includes an audience Q&A.

The panel is free and will take place at Lyon College  in the Maxfield Room on Saturday April 6th at 10am.

Click here for more info.

Also, thanks to Robert Bell for the mention in the Arkansas Times -Rock Candy Blog!

Batesville Screening of 45RPM

Just received these photos of 45RPM’s Batesville Advanced Screening and Reception by Keith Sturch Photography.
Love to see these moments captured – What a great event for our film & the community!
Big thank you to all those involved in creating & organizing the screening event as well as all those who came out to show your support.

Read More

Paragould’s Art & Stroll

45RPM’s own Mandy Maxwell will have her artwork on display this Thursday night in front of Sanctuary Yoga as part of Paragould’s annual Art & Stroll.

Come check it out! Art, shopping, and live music at this FREE event. May 3rd 5-8:30pm


45RPM Giveaway!

Time to show some love for our fans with a new giveaway!

You can check out last year’s Facebook Giveaway here. This year is going to be bigger and better.

We are giving away (2) vintage 45 record bowls like this:

and one GRAND PRIZE!

So that’s 3 prizes to win and you can enter to win up to 3 times per person!

  • Friend us on Facebook (if you are already our friend, share this link: and tag us with @45RPM in your post)
  • Follow us on Twitter (if you are already a follower, retweet this link: and mention us @45RPM )
  • Post a comment on this blog post telling us why you are excited to see 45RPM


Giveaway ends on May 1st 2012 at 12 noon CST & winners will be selected using

We love having your support!





Sneak Peek at the Ozark Foothills Film Festival

On March 30th at 6pm we’ll be screening a sneak peek of 45 RPM as part of the Indie Film Initiative Works-In-Progress Program at this year’s Ozark Foothills Film Festival.

There will be a short Q&A with writer/director Juli Jackson.

Artwork created for the film by artist Mandy Maxwell will be on display, with an opening reception March 9th.

Come see what we have been up to!

Please make your way out to Batesville, Arkansas for the best small town film festival you’ll ever attend: March 28th – April 1st 2012.

Designed by Mandy Maxwell

“Gravity Was Everywhere Back Then” – Memphis Screening


Thanks to Indie Memphis and The Brooks Museum, I had the opportunity to catch a screening of Gravity Was Everywhere Back Then – A very unique feature film based on the unbelievable but true story of Leonard Wood, a Kentucky hardware clerk, who built a crazy “healing” house for his wife, Mary, in an attempt to appeal to God to save her from cancer.

The film’s creator Brent Green used this man’s own design to recreate a full-scale version of the handmade house in his own backyard where the entire film was shot. A beautiful and eerie mix animation, stopmotion, and live-action, the film was screened with a live musical accompaniment  featuring the director’s own narration and the talents of Donna K, musician Brendan Canty and the indie-cabaret group The Bitter Tears.

I was sold when I walked into the room and saw a theremin, but the live soundtrack really did made this a knock-out performance. I would have stayed for the 2nd screening if possible. An emotionally haunting story, fantastically compelling visuals, and an other-worldly live score… It even had a stopmotion car crash!

This event made a huge impression on me. This might be the first time I have experienced filmmaking that is considered experimental but tells a clearly narrative story that is gripping in a completely new and unconventional way.  I don’t want it to be the last either.

Check out the Gravity Was Everywhere Back Then Blog

2011 Little Rock Film Festival

Last Friday and Saturday I had the opportunity to attend the 5th annual Little Rock Film Festival. Moviemaker Magazine had listed this fest as one of the “Top 25 Film Festivals Worth The Entry Fee” and I would agree whole-heartedly.

This festival really had some brains behind it as everything was very organized, friendly, and just all around awesome. Volunteers were everywhere if you had questions, badges were very reasonably priced, the website was clear and easy to navigate, and the program book even had a place for notes! I have attended much bigger older festivals that didn’t have any of these perks!  Not that the LRFF seemed small though, with 3 venues, multiple screenings at all times, all kinds of special events, tons of Q & As (even had attending filmmakers for the World Shorts Program!) and full houses for the screenings I attended.

The Arkansas Shorts Programs had me the most excited and they were packed! Standing room only at some points. I have to say I was completely blow away by the films that were made in Arkansas. High production values all around, original and fascinating stories, and my favorites managed to have the gritty Southern feel that I love so much.

I highly recommend Pillow by Josh and Miles Millers,  Seven Souls by Gerry Bruno,  Foot Solider by Jon Bryant Crawford,  The Orderly by Daniel Campbell, Ballerina by Bryan Stafford, and  Cotton County Boys by Collin Buchanan. These shorts really stood out to me and are what I feel indie filmmaking is all about.

I wanted to congratulate ALL the filmmakers for their hard work. It was thrilling to see so many of these films I watched and really enjoyed win festival awards and get the recognition they deserve.

Really there were so many great films at this festival, like the darkly funny Prairie Love and films I missed that I’m going to have to follow & watch later like The Last Ride, about Hank Williams.

After meeting many of the filmmakers and forming fast friendships through our films and experiences, I am even more eager to make 45 RPM in the great state of Arkansas with such talents folks.  The fun has already started!

Facebook Giveaway

Our production is young and needs your love!
Like 45 RPM on Facebook and the first 100 fans will be automatically entered to win a special giveaway! Drawing is on June 1st.
Enter to win a fun prize just by clicking “like”

More details soon!